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Encompass Blog

Why Don't They Change Their Situation?

Many times I have been asked this. The answer is complex at best. The causes of the downward spiral into extreme poverty are as varied as the people affected. Everything from health concerns to medical debt to stagnant wages to tragedy to addiction to mental health to job loss to a fixed income can start a person on the journey to houselessness. The farther people descend into poverty, the harder it is to claw back out. Why is this? What are the obstacles, burdens and barriers to people becoming housed? Why can’t they pull themselves up by their proverbial “boot straps?” Do they really try that hard?

Come to a Poverty Simulation for some answers.

Encompass Homeless Ministry and Hope Lutheran Church of Santa Clara are again hosting Step Up Silicon Valley’s Community Action Poverty Simulation (CAPS) on May 12th 2018 from 9 AM to noon!

If you’d like to see what a CAPS looks like, check out this video presentation.

The Poverty Simulation is a free event that is sustained completely by donations.

Why a CAPS and what is it?

Step Up Silicon Valley responds with:

“Silicon Valley is one of the most affluent areas in the United States, yet poverty runs deeper than one may think. According to the Supplemental Poverty Measure, nearly 1 in 5 in Santa Clara County cannot afford basic necessities each month without financial assistance.

Sign up here for the May 12th event.

The Community Action Poverty Simulation (CAPS) immerses us in the reality of a Silicon Valley that grows in disparity as much as prosperity. During the simulation, participants form families that work together to overcome barriers to social services, live off insufficient income, and encounter unforeseen economic obstacles along the way. This experience goes beyond role-play — participants interact with low-income community volunteers who share their own stories of day-to-day challenges as all CAPS attendees reflect on the experience together.

The Poverty Simulation is a free event that is sustained completely by donations.

This core convening strategy intends to educate and engage our community members toward action. The Community Action Poverty Simulation (CAPS) is a unique tool that Step Up Silicon Valley uses to educate everyone, from policy makers to local community leaders, about the day-to-day realities of those living in poverty in Santa Clara County.”

If you’d like to see what a CAPS looks like, follow this link to a video presentation.

Please feel free to share this invitation with any person or agency you think might find this interesting.

Sign up here for the May 12th event!

Pastor Jim Clark-Moore

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