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Encompass Blog

Personal Care Café How Much Stuff Gets Passed Out?

For some time now Encompass Homeless Ministry has been hosting at “Personal Care Cafié” at Martha’s Kitchen and on Lincoln Avenue under the 280 overpass, next to Ranch Town Recycling. The Personal Care Café is not a station where pre-filled bags are passed out, but rather a display of products from which people can pick and choose.

Here is a graphic illustration of just how great the need is. The picture on the left shows what was on hand at 4:00 p.m. on September 4th; the picture on the right shows what was left at 5:15, just an hour-and-a-quarter later. We do not have a count of the number of people who stopped by, but we do limit each person to only one item of each type.

Personal Care Cafe - Before Personal Care Cafe - After

But there’s a problem. Ranch Town Recycling is no longer accepting cans and bottles. This is a huge loss for those in need. As Joe told me today, “What am I going to do? That little bit of money allowed me to get some extra food and a drink… I don't know what I am going to do.”

We have been looking for an alternate site and as soon as we have it finalized I will update the information.

Ranch Town Recycling

Almost anything that your use in your personal care regime is used by those in need, everything from family size to hotel size. There is one product ingredient that is better left out and that is alcohol. So, mouthwash and aftershave are not needed. People are choosing them not for the intended use but rather for the alcohol content. These products can be dropped off at Hope Lutheran at 2383 Pacific Drive Santa Clara, CA, Monday through Friday between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM.

We can also use products for the mobile shower and laundry trailer that can be seen at various locations such as the GSA office and Martha’s Kitchen. The mobile shower unit can always use personal care kits to pass out to patrons in need at their other locations. These kits are very basic as space to store the kits is limited. The shower kit consists of a small bar of soap as well as a small bottle each of shampoo, conditioner and lotion. The tooth care kit should contain a travel tooth brush, small toothpaste and floss. There is an additional need for feminine care kits consisting of wipes, tampons and pads. Kits may be dropped off at Hope Lutheran Church, located at 2383 Pacific Dr., Santa Clara, CA, Monday through Friday between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM.

The staff of Dignity on Wheels, the shower trailer ministry, has requested 75 shower kits, 25 tooth care kits and 10 feminine care kits per week. These kits will be collected at Hope Lutheran Church, located at 2383 Pacific Dr., Santa Clara, CA, Monday through Friday between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM.

Encompass hosts a Personal Care Café every Wednesday at Martha’s Kitchen, from about 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. Feel free to stop by and see what going on. Dinner at Martha’s is between 4 and 5 and is open to all. Eating at Martha’s is a great way to gain an understanding of what life is for people who live under extreme economic uncertainty.

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